leah aspin 14th January 2011

grandma,all these seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months,years have gone by+i havnt stopped thinking bout you once,you was like a best friend to me aswell as my grandma,i came to you when there was something up,i could tell you everything,its friday today+i always imagine what we would be doing right now if you was still here,ever since you've passed away i've hated fridays coming,i miss you so much+reading all these notes from people make me cry+remind me of how much of a beautiful person you was,this christmas i had everything i could of asked for,just wish you was here aswell,its your birthday soon+we wont be able to celebrate it with you,i misss your gorgeous smile+your funny laugh,just miss you. i hope your proud of me, i love you millions+billions+trillions!<3<3<3<3<3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx